About Us

About Us

Edacco is a nonprofit private organization (ASBL) established in Brussels, Belgium. Edacco works throughout the world to strengthen the capacities of civil society, private sector and government to work together for responsive democratic governance and social and economic development. Edacco’s intelligence team has 20 years of experience working in over 35 countries in Eastern and Central Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Central America, the Caribbean, Russia, India and Africa. Edacco programs provide training, technical assistance and grants designed to strengthen democratic values, institutions and processes and promote democratic governance, economic and social development.

Our network connects its members with all kind of economic development practitioners such as RDAs, business partners, local and international authorities.

We seek to

  • Encourage exchanges of experience between members and promote “best practice” in the field of local and regional economic development;
  • Promote the recognition of the development agencies as specific mechanisms and economic development entities;
  • Participate in the development and delivery of territorial development programs and/or support programs for companies especially for small and medium sized enterprises;
  • Reinforce and better organise technical cooperation both with the European Commission and other Community institutions;
  • Assist the development agencies newly set up in the non-European Union countries;
  • Promote the emergence of cooperation projects between development agencies of several countries

Notre histoire

Toute entreprise a été fondée et c’est dans cette section que vous relatez l’histoire de votre société. Les visiteurs veulent connaître l’opportunité que vous avez perçue ou comment votre passion vous a poussé à innover. Parlez de vos racines ; les clients potentiels préfèrent les partenaires bien établis.

Our team

Edacco carry out an economic development mission characterised by the search of the collective or overall interest of an area (and not corporative or sectorial) and which are significantly linked with a local, metropolitan or regional authority with respect to management, financing or missionsIn order to carry out this mission, they gather highly skilled professionals and are able to answer the specific needs of firms willing to develop their activities. As major economic actors in their regions, RDAs missions consist in assembling, coordinating and promoting best initiatives.

Edacco undertake cutting-edge research and analysis to generate  ideas and solutions. Our members including researchers, communicators and specialist, expert advisers to turn ideas into action. Edacco helps you communicate your work around the world to increase its reach.

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